Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Quick Bite Of Flesh Zombie Horror Anthology Just Released

A Quick Bite Of Flesh, the new zombie horror flash fiction anthology from Hazardous Press was just released yesterday on Kindle, with a paperback version to be released very soon.  This horror anthology includes my story "Spirit Stalkers" in its pages.  This was fun to write, and I'm looking forward to reading the entire book.  I'm pleased to see some wonderful author friends also have stories in it. 

Here is a look at the authors included in the table of contents:

Stories by Terry Alexander, Jason Andrew, Michael H. Antonio, Mary Ann Back, Rose Blackthorn, H.G. Bleackley, Rebecca L. Brown, Charles Colyott, Alyn Day, Mandy DeGeit, Deborah Drake, T. Fox Dunham, Kris Freestone, Aaron Gudmunson, Tara Fox Hall, Dane Hatchell, Janet Joyce Holden, David James Keaton, Ken MacGregor, John McCarthy, Fi Michell, Joe Mogel, Doug Murano, Paco, Jennifer Paquette, Lucy Pireel, Joseph Polega, Tori L. Ridgewood, Suzanne Robb, Armand Rosamilia, Cinsearae S., Mark Scioneaux, Matthew Smallwood, Rebecca Snow, Tony Southcotte, Cameron Suey, Emily Vater, Edd Vick, Steve Voelker, D. Alexander Ward, L.E. White, Sheri White, William Whorton, Jay Wilburn, Matthew Wilson, Robert S. Wilson, and Wol-vriey.

With a lineup like that, I think you're in for some fine reading.  Grab a copy, kick back in the chill of this Autumn night, and enjoy!

With best regards,
I remain,

Deborah Drake

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